
TextWright offers these services at hourly or project rates, depending on your needs:

  • Developmental editing
  • Copyediting
  • Technical editing
  • Proofreading
  • Podcast and video transcription to text
  • Research
  • Copywriting
  • Blogging (with byline or anonymous)
  • Beta testing
  • Indexing

For an estimate, contact rdrake (at) with a description of your project and a sample of the materials.

Most projects can be turned around within 24-72 hours, depending on the complexity of the work. Rush projects (2-4 hours), emergency language assistance via email, and on-call (24x7) services are available. If you're in trouble, ask for help!

What Type of Editing Do You Need?

Technical edit (TE): Make it accurate.
The technical editor ensures that the text is complete and appropriate for the target audience, correctly describing products and features with accurate product terminology.

Developmental edit (DE): Make it work.
The development editor organizes the text, requesting necessary revisions to suit the target audience and publishing venue, and writing supplemental material as needed.

Copyedit (CE): Make it smooth.
The copyeditor corrects language problems and untangles complicated or confusing text.

Proofread (PR): Make it clean.
The proofreader ensures that final text is consistent and fits the publisher's design and specifications.